
Home/Tag: youth

DescolonizArte Youth: Joceline Roque

Empowerment Congress sees impressive youth in our DescolonizArte program participants.  We prioritize creating a space to allow these future leaders and organizers to  develop their voice and leadership. This month we would like to highlight one of these fantastic young people. She has shown many [...]

2021-06-15T21:37:01-06:00June 16th, 2021|descoloniz-ARTE, Youth|Comments Off on DescolonizArte Youth: Joceline Roque

Activism & Youth: Tips to Becoming a Youth Activist

As a teen you know that these years are confusing. You might ask yourself how does the world and society work, how do I find my identity, and how do I fit into it all? Our societal norms have told us that you don’t know [...]

2021-02-26T18:26:02-06:00February 26th, 2021|Youth|Comments Off on Activism & Youth: Tips to Becoming a Youth Activist