Lynn Middle School

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Lynn Middle School2021-09-11T15:45:00-06:00

Lynn Middle School


Youth with the ENLACE class at Lynn Middle School Community School

Taking ownership over your life and community has always been an obstacle course, whether you are 50 or 10 years old. Working with the Youth community of Lynn Middle School Community School was an exciting adventure. The Empowerment Congress of Dona Ana facilitated conversations that deal with sometimes uncomfortable topics about identity-culture-community-liberation and action. This lead everyone into the subject of safe space and transformation, making its way into liberation and action. The youth than decided to change the restrooms in their school to start the process of creating safe spaces in their community. And the Lynn Project Restroom, came to life The concept of this Project consists of transforming the restrooms into a place where privacy and safety exists. We researched on different ways of doing it and decided to paint and blast the restrooms with as many messages and images they would like. We will continue working with the youth community at Lynn, whether future projects keep involving the restrooms or not, we are excited and proud to be a part of their growth and walk beside them.
